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Edward Said by Ashcroft, Bill, Ahluwalia, ... ISBN: 9780415247771
Corwin's Constitution Essays and Insights of Edward S. Corwin by Corwin, Edward S., Crews, K... ISBN: 9780313249037 List Price: $95.00
Tropical Rainforest Research- Current Issues Proceedings of the Conference Held in Bandar Se... by Edwards, D. S., Booth, W. E... ISBN: 9780792340386 List Price: $299.00
Bedside Critical Care Manual by Chan, Edward D., Winston, B... ISBN: 9781560534310 List Price: $35.95
Leading With Values Positivity, Virtue And High Performance by Hess, Edward D., Cameron, K... ISBN: 9780521866866 List Price: $100.99
Stage in Our past: English-Speaking Theatre in Eastern Canada from the 1790's to 1914 by Edwards, Murray D. ISBN: 9780802015105 List Price: $20.00
A Text-Book of Mineralogy. With an extended treatise on crystallography and physical mineral... by Edward Salisbury Dana, Jame... ISBN: 9781241507916 List Price: $40.75
Old Greek, on Old-Time Professor in an Old-Fashioned College; a Memoir of Edward North by North, S. N. D. 1849-1924 ISBN: 9781176484412 List Price: $37.75
History of Rice County, Including Explorers and Pioneers of Minnesota and Outline History of... by Neill, Edward D. 1823-1893,... ISBN: 9781171707752 List Price: $45.75
Higher Education, and a Brief Memorial of Gorham D Abbot, Rebecca S His Wife, and Elizabeth ... by Muzzey, A. B., Abbott, Edwa... ISBN: 9781166256296 List Price: $41.56
Smith v. Hoboken R R Warehouse & S S Connecting Co U.S. Supreme Court Transcript of Record w... by JAMES D CARPENTER, EDWARD J... ISBN: 9781270385912 List Price: $56.99
Tropical Rainforest Research - Current Issues : Proceedings of the Conference Held in Bandar... by Edwards, D. S., Booth, W. E... ISBN: 9789401072557 List Price: $389.00
Monitoring Ecological Condition in the Western United States by Sandhu, Shabeg S., Melzian,... ISBN: 9789401058704 List Price: $186.00
Batten v. U S U.S. Supreme Court Transcript of Record with Supporting Pleadings by ROLAND D HARTSHORN, ARCHIBA... ISBN: 9781270529446 List Price: $27.99
M. Alexander Forman and Betty Forman, His Wife, Appellants, v. Irwin Apfel, Liquidating Rece... by THOMSON F EDWARDS, A D CAESAR ISBN: 9781270434887 List Price: $30.99
L. C. Haynes, Petitioner, v. Rederi A/S Aladdin et al. U.S. Supreme Court Transcript of Reco... by E D VICKERY, EDWARD W WATSO... ISBN: 9781270503170 List Price: $30.99
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